Seniors Housing

The Ernest &
Hoolihan Elders

Seniors Housing
Yumba-Meta Limited's commitment to provide senior housing in a retirement village style setting was realised when the Ernest & Maud Hoolihan Elders Village opened in 2012.
The Ernest & Maud Hoolihan Elders Village continues to improve its offering as a retirement village-style accommodation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders residents aged 55 years and over.
The village comprises 16 two-bedroom units, surrounded by trees and nature, where residents enjoy a peaceful setting and quality, modern homes that are easy to upkeep.
In the 2018 financial year, Yumba-Meta commenced a significant solar project at the village, committing to install solar panels on all tenancies in order to reduce the impact of high electricity costs on tenants.
Yumba-Meta paid for the installation of solar panels on the first eight properties, which were installed in late 2019. The remaining eight properties received solar panels with funding support through the Queensland Government’s Solar for Rentals Rebate. Installation of the final eight properties was completed in 2020.
The village is named after Dr Ernest Hoolihan OAM and his late wife Maud, who founded Yumba-Meta in 1973. Creating an elders village was a long-time goal for Ernie and Maud, so it made sense that this achievement was their namesake.
The estate is on six acres of land at Deeragun, which was purchased in 2001. It took 11 years to complete the Hoolihan’s elders’ village vision, and the village has maintained total capacity almost consistently since it was officially opened in 2012 by the Hon. Minister for Housing and Public Works, Tim Mander.
The village models community-driven solutions that effectively and appropriately meet the physical, social and emotional well-being of the community it serves.