
Complaints & Appeals


Complaints & Appeals

We take service delivery seriously

The Yumba-Meta Limited complaints system allows clients to raise concerns about the quality of services provided by us. If you have a concern about the service delivery you or a support person received from YML, it is important that you talk about it to us. Complaints help us improve the quality of what we do, so each complaint may help other people too.

How can we help you?

Our goal is to help you resolve your concern and achieve a positive out-come, where possible. If you have a concern with our service, you can contact us by phone, email or by mail. Please provide as much relevant information as you can, as early as you can, so we understand all issues. We accept complaints about all areas of our service.

Lodging a complaint

You can lodge a complaint at any time. Complaints can be lodged in person, in writing or via phone. We encourage you to complete the Complaints & Feedback Form that’s available from our Head Office or you can download it using the link below.

All complaints can be reported anonymously to our office through the above channels. Yumba-Meta Limited abides by the Privacy Act 1988 and the Information Privacy Act 2009.

We have a system in place for:

  • Centrally registering your complaint;
  • then ensuring it is directed to the person who can best investigate and resolve the matter; and then
  • ensuring that the matter is effectively resolved We will ensure that your complaint is dealt with as soon as possible.

We will attempt to resolve all complaints within 28 days, where possible.