Long- Term Housing

Specialist Disability
Accommodation (SDA)

Current Projects
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Construction
Yumba-Meta Limited is committed to providing quality, appropriate homes to people living with physical disabilities.
In November 2019, after two years in development, Yumba-Meta delivered Townsville’s first-ever newly built and NDIA-accredited Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA).
Due to the success of this accommodation, and an ongoing community need for similar purpose-built tenancies, Yumba-Meta has committed to building more SDA tenancies in Townsville.
Four of the seven sites retained by YML at Hillside Gardens were allocated to building SDA homes. Three of these have been completed, housing six participants.
These properties offer different designs to the first SDA, which was a duplex of two two-bedroom homes. The new designs include one duplex featuring one one-bedroom tenancy and one two-bedroom tenancy, and the other a three-bedroom, three-bathroom share home that accommodates two tenants and one 24/7 onsite support worker. This shared accommodation is classified as Onsite Overnight Accommodation (OOA) under NDIS.
The properties feature wide doorways, wide hallways, adjustable height kitchen benchtops with accessibility underneath for wheelchairs, and other SDA specifications to meet the needs of those living with a high physical disability.
Yumba-Meta first committed to becoming a registered SDA provider in late 2017 and completed this process during January 2018.
It remains an ongoing challenge to connect available SDA properties with suitable tenants, as these properties require a referral through NDIS. Yumba-Meta continues advocating for those who require access to appropriate housing by educating NDIS case managers and relevant referral agencies.