Tenant Rights &
Tenant Rights & Responsibilities
As Yumba-Meta Limited client it is your responsibilities to:
- Treat all YML staff with respect
- Treat other users of the service with respect
- Care for YML’s property, including the grounds and gardens
- Abide by the Terms & Conditions of the Residential Tenancy Agreement
- Report to YML (as soon as practical) any repairs or maintenance issues at the property
- Pay rent in accordance with the General Tenancy Agreement
- Work cooperatively with staff
- Respect the rights of your neighbours in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act
- Notify YML of any changes to your household income or size
- Allow full access of the property to staff when required
- Notify YML of any changes to your contact details
- Inform YML if you are going to be absent from the property if it’s for more than 6 weeks
- Not make changes to the property without the written consent of YML
- Not carry out any business or trade at the property
- When vacating the property, ensure the premises are left in the same condition as per the Entry Condition Report (fair wear and tear excepted)
- Not sub-let the property
As a Yumba-Meta Limited client you have the right to a service that will:
- Provide secure, safe and affordable housing
- Protect your rights and confidentiality by way of both policy and procedure
- Offer a clear explanation of your rights and responsibility while using YML’s services
- Provide a supportive, safe and secure environment
- Empower you by encouraging and assisting you in the processes of decision making within the organisation
- Consult you on decisions regarding your tenancy
- Ensure potential clients are offered confidential assessment of their applications and have the application process explained
- Treat all applicants and clients fairly and consistently
- Where possible respond to your needs in a timely and flexible manner
- Not discriminate on grounds of age, gender, religion, sexuality or disability
- Respond to the individual and cultural needs of clients in an appropriate manner
- Network with other services to provide a holistic approach to service delivery
- Acknowledge the rights of clients to lodge an appeal or complain about a service or staff without fear of retribution
- Provide you with the opportunity and information on how to complain about YML’s service or appeal decisions which have been made
- Encourage clients to bring an advocate, support worker or interpreter to any meetings
- Provide you with information regarding how YML operates and tenancy legislation
- Allow you to have access to your files with forty-eight (48) hours notice